
Rapports et présentations

Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories edited by Buendia E.C. et al and written by many contributors including Y.T. Prairie. 2019. Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 4 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use.

 The GHG Reservoir Tool (G-res): Technical Documentation   UNESCO/International Hydropower Association Project – GHG status of freshwater reservoirs.

IHA GHG screening tool explained – World hydropower congress – Beijing, May 2015 UNESCO/International Hydropower Association Project – GHG status of freshwater reservoirs.

Projet d’évaluation de l’impact des vagues créées par les bateaux de type wakeboat sur la rive des lacs Memphrémagog et Lovering. 2014. In collaboration with Société de Conservation du Lac Lovering, Memphremagog Conservation Inc and Service aux collectivités de l’UQAM.

Mémoire pour la commission sur la situation des lacs au Québec en regard des cyanobactéries (GRIL). 2009. Comission sur la situation des lacs au Québec en regard des cyanobactéries.

Calcul de la capacité de support en phosphore des lacs: où en sommes-nous? 2009.

Les cyanobactéries dans les lacs québécois : Un portrait de la situation selon les chercheurs du GRIL. 2008.


McGinnis DF, YT Prairie, H-P Grossart, T DelSontro. 2023. Editorial: Sources, sinks, and emissions in aquatic systems: the past, present, and future under global change. Front. Environ. Sci.,

Deshmukh CS, AP Susanto, N Nardi et al. 2023. Net greenhouse gas balance of fibre wood plantation on peat in Indonesia. Nature 616, 740–746 (2023).

Crevecoeur S, YT Prairie, PA del Giorgio. 2022. Tracking the upstream history of aquatic microbes in a boreal lake yields new insights on microbial community assembly, PNAS Nexus, Volume 1, Issue 4, September 2022, pgac171.

Thottathil SD, PCJ Reis, YT Prairie. 2022. Variability and controls of stable carbon isotopic fractionation during aerobic methane oxidation in temperate lakes. Frontiers in Environmental Science.

Soued  C, YT Prairie. 2022. Patterns and regulation of hypolimnetic CO2 and CH4 in a tropical reservoir using a process-based modeling approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, e2022JG006897.

Shoji DT, PCJ Reis, YT Prairie. 2022. Magnitude and Drivers of Oxic Methane Production in Small Temperate Lakes. Environmental Science & Technology 2022 56 (15), 11041-11050

Soued C, JA Harrison, S Mercier-Blais, YT Prairie. 2022. Reservoir CO2 and CH4 emissions and their climate impact over the period 1900–2060. Nature Geoscience. DOI:

Couturier M, YT Prairie, AM Paterson, E JS Erikson, PA del Giorgio. 2022. Long term trends in pCO2 in lake surface water following rebrowning. Geophysical Research Letters, 49. DOI: 10.1029/2022GL097973

Reis PCJ, SD Thottathil, and YT Prairie. 2022. The role of methanotrophy in the microbial carbon metabolism of temperate lakes. Nature Communications. 2022-12. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-27718-2

Prairie YT, S Mercier-Blais, JA Harrison, C Soued ,PA del Giorgio, A Harby,  J Alm, V Chanudet, R Nahas. 2021. A new modelling framework to assess biogenic GHG emissions from reservoirs: The G-res tool. Environmental Modelling and Software 143 (2021) 105117, 1-16.

Harrison JA, YT Prairie, C Soued, S Mercier-Blais. 2021. Year-2020 global distribution and pathways of reservoir methane and carbon dioxide emissions according to the greenhouse gas from reservoirs (G-res) model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35.

Soued C and Prairie YT. 2021. Changing sources and processes sustaining surface CO2 and CH4 fluxes along a tropical river to reservoir system. Biogeosciences, 18(4), 1333–1350.

Thottathil SD and YT Prairie. 2021. Coupling of stable carbon isotopic signature of methane and ebullitive fluxes in northern temperate lakes.  Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146117

Koschorreck M, YT Prairie, J Kim, and R Marcé. 2021. Technical note: CO2 is not like CH4 – limits of and corrections to the headspace method to analyse pCO2 in water, Biogeosciences,

Levasseur A, S Mercier-Blais, YT Prairie, A Tremblay, C Turpin. 2021. Improving the accuracy of electricity carbon footprint: Estimation of hydroelectric reservoir greenhouse gas emissions, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 136 (2021) 110433.

Peter H, G Singer , AJ Ulseth, T Dittmar, YT Prairie, TJ Battin. 2020. Travel Time and Source Variation Explain the Molecular Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in an Alpine Stream Network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2020-08.

Anderson NJ, AJ Heathcote, DR Engstrom, DB Ryves, K Mills, YT Prairie, PA del Giorgio, H Bennion, S Turner, NL Rose, VJ ones, N Solovieva, A Cook Shinneman, CE Umbanhowar, SC Fritz, D Verschuren, JE Saros, JM Russell, R Bindler, B Valero-Garcés, MB Edlund, RD Dietz, AE Myrbo. 2020. Anthropogenic alteration of nutrient supply increases the global freshwater carbon sink. Science Advances. 6-16. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw2145

Reis PCJ, C Ruiz-Gonzalez, S  Crevecoeur, C Soued and YT Prairie. 2020. Rapid shifts in methanotrophic bacterial communities mitigate methane emissions from a tropical hydropower reservoir and its downstream river

Soued C and YT Prairie. 2020. The carbon footprint of a Malaysian tropical reservoir: measured versus modelled estimates highlight the underestimated key role of downstream processes, Biogeosciences, DOI:10.5194/bg-17-515-2020

Hutchins RHS, JP Casas-Ruiz, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio . 2020. Magnitude and drivers of integrated fluvial network greenhouse gas emissions across the boreal landscape in Québec, Water Research 173, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115556

Reis PCJ, SD Thottathil, C Ruiz-Gonzalez and YT Prairie. 2020. Niche separation within aerobic methanotrophic bacteria across lakes and its link to methane oxidation rates, Environmental Microbiology 22(2), DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.14877

Li Z, H Du, H Xu, Y Xiao, L Lu, JS Guo, YT Prairie and S Mercier-Blais. 2019. The carbon footprint of large- and mid-scale hydropower in China: Synthesis from five China’s largest hydro-project, Journal of Environmental Management 250:109363, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109363

Crevecoeur S, C Ruiz-Gonzalez, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2019. Large scale biogeography and environmental regulation of methanotrophic bacteria across boreal inland waters, Molecular Ecology 28(18), DOI: 10.1111/mec.15223

Huot Y et al. 2019. The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate, Science of The Total Environment 695:133668, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133668

Thottathil SD, PCJ Reis and YT Prairie. 2019. Methane oxidation kinetics in northern freshwater lakes, Biogeochemistry,

Zwart JA,  O Hararuk, YT Prairie, SE Jones, CT Solomon. 2019. Improving estimates and forecasts of lake carbon dynamics using data assimilation, Limnology and oceanography, methods, 10.1002/lom3.10302

Hutchins RHS,  YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2019. Large-scale landscape drivers of CO2, CH4, DOC and DIC in boreal river networks, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, DOI: 10.1029/2018GB006106

Thottathil SD, PCJ Reis, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2018. The Extent and Regulation of Summer Methane Oxidation in Northern Lakes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,  doi:10.1029/2018JG004464

Hararuk O, JA Zwart, SE Jones, YT Prairie, CT Solomon. 2018. Model‐Data Fusion to Test Hypothesized Drivers of Lake Carbon Cycling Reveals Importance of Physical Controls, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123:3

Tranvik L, J Cole and YT Prairie. 2018. The study of carbon in lakes – from isolated ecosystems to players in the global carbon cycle. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 3:3

Wang W, NT Roulet, Y Kim, IB Strachan, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A Tremblay. 2018. Modelling CO2 emissions from water surface of a boreal hydroelectric reservoir, Science of the Total Environment, 612, 392–404.

Politi E and YT Prairie. 2018. The potential of Earth Observation in modelling nutrient loading and water quality in lakes of southern Québec, Canada. Aquatic Sciences. 80: 8.

Prairie YT, J Alm, J Beaulieu, N Barros, T Battin, JJ Cole, PA del Giorgio, T DelSontro, F Guérin, A Harby, J Harrison, S Mercier-Blais, D Serça, S Sobek and D Vachon. 2018. GHG emissions from freshwater reservoirs: what does the atmosphere see? Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-017-0198-9

DelSontro T, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2017. No longer a paradox. The interaction between physical transport and biological processes explains the spatial distribution of methane within and across lakes. Ecosystems

Hutchins RHS, P Aukes, SL Schiff, T Dittmar, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2017. The optical, chemical, and molecular dissolved organic matter succession along a boreal soil-stream-river continuum. Journal of Geophysical Research. 122.

DelSontro, T, L Boutet, A St-Pierre, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2016. Methane ebullition and diffusion from northern ponds and lakes regulated by the interaction between temperature and system productivity.  Limnology and Oceanography doi: 10.1002/lno.10335.

Vachon, D, YT Prairie, F Guillemette and PA del Giorgio. 2016. Modeling allochthonous dissolved organic carbon mineralization under variable hydrologic regimes in boreal lakes. Ecosystems. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0057-0.

Kim, Y, NT Roulet, CS Li, S Frolking, IB Strachan, CH Peng, CR Teodoru, YT Prairie and A Tremblay. 2016. Simulating carbon dioxide exchange in boreal ecosystems flooded by reservoirs.  Ecological Modelling 327 : 1-17.

Wang W, NT Roulet, Y Kim, IB Strachan, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A Tremblay.  2016. Integrating aquatic and terrestrial biogeochemical model to predict effects of reservoir creation on CO2 emissions. Biogeosciences Discussions doi:10.5194/bg-2016-100.

Li, M, A Parkes, YT Prairie, and PA del Giorgio. 2015. The relative influence of topography and land cover on inorganic and organic carbon export from catchments in southern Quebec, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120,12: 2562–2578

Mercier-Blais S, BE Beisner and YT Prairie. In revision. Shift in the sink-source carbon balance of lakes following thermocline deepening. Inland Waters.

Ducharme-Riel, V, D Vachon, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2015. The relative contribution of winter under-ice and summer hypolimnetic CO2 accumulation to the annual CO2 emissions from northern lakes. Ecosystems 18: 547-559.

Heathcote, AJ, NJ Anderson, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2014. Large increases in carbon burial in northern lakes during the Anthropocene. Nature Communication 6:10016.

Heathcote, AJ, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2015. Predicting bathymetric features of lakes from the topography of their surrounding landscape. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 643-650.

Rasilo, T, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2015. Large-scale patterns in summer diffusive CH4 fluxes across boreal lakes, and contribution to diffusive C emissions. Global Change Biology 21:1125-1139.

Bogard, MJ, PA del Giorgio, L Boutet, MCG Chaves, YT Prairie, A Merante and AM Derry. 2014. Oxic water column methanogenesis as a major component of aquatic CH4 fluxes. Nature Communications

Stubbins, A, JF Lapierre, M Berggen, YT Prairie, T Dittmar and PA del Giorgio. 2014. What’s in an EEM? Molecular Signatures Associated with Dissolved Organic Fluorescence in Boreal Canada. Environmental Science and Technology 48: 10598-10606.

Stubbins A, RG Spencer, PJ Mann, T Dittmar, J Niggemann, RM Holmes, JW McClelland, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie, JF Lapierre and M Berggren. Biogeochemical interpretations of colored dissolved organic matter optical signatures. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 07.

Ferland ME, YT Prairie, C Teodoru and PA del Giorgio. 2014. Linking organic carbon sedimentation, burial efficiency and long-term accumulation in boreal lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 119: 836-847.

Gauthier J, YT Prairie and BE Beisner. 2014. Thermocline deepening and mixing alter zooplankton

phenology, biomass and body size in a whole‐lake experiment. Freshwater Biology 59: 998-1011.

Weyhenmeyer GA, YT Prairie and LJ Tranvik. 2014. Browning of Boreal Freshwaters Coupled to Carbon-Iron Interactions along the Aquatic Continuum. PLoS one 9.

Vachon D and YT Prairie. 2013. The ecosystem size and shape dependence of gas transfer velocity versus wind speed relationships in lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 1757–1764.

Teodoru CR, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A St-Pierre. 2013. Depositional fluxes and sources of particulate carbon and nitrogen in natural lakes and a young boreal reservoir in Northern Québec. Biogeochemistry 113: 323 – 339.

Prairie YT and PA del Giorgio. 2013. A new pathway of freshwater methane emissions and the putative importance of microbubbles. Inland Waters 3: 311 – 320.

Ferland ME, del Giorgio PA, Teodoru CR and YT Prairie. 2012. Long-term C accumulation and total C stocks in boreal lakes in northern Québec. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB0E04.

Teodoru CR, J Bastien, MC Booneville, PA del Giorgio, M Demarty, M Garneau, JF Helie, L Pelletier, Prairie, YT, NT Roulet, IB Stratchan and A Tremblay. 2012. The net carbon footprint of a newly created boreal hydroelectric reservoir. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB2016.

Pace, ML, I Reche, JJ Cole, A Fernandez-Barbero, IP Mazuecos and YT Prairie. 2012. pH change induces shifts in the size and light absorption of dissolved organic matter. Biogeochemistry 108: 1-3.

Brothers, SM, PA del Giorgio, CR Teodoru and YT Prairie. 2012. Landscape heterogeneity influences carbon dioxide production in a young boreal reservoir. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 447 – 456.

Vermaire, JC, YT Prairie, and Gregory-Eaves, I. 2012. Diatom-inferred decline of macrophyte abundance in lakes of southern Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 511 – 524.

Brothers, S.M., YT Prairie and del Giorgio, P.A. 2012. Benthic and pelagic sources of carbon dioxide in boreal lakes and a young reservoir (Eastmain-1) in eastern Canada. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB1002.

Downing JA, JJ Cole, CM Duarte, JJ Middelburg, JM Melack, YT Prairie,  P Kortelainen, (…), LJ Tranvik. 2012. Global abundance and size distribution of streams and rivers. Inland Waters 2 (4) , pp. 229-236. Vermaire, JC, YT Prairie, and I Gregory-Eaves. 2011. The influence of submerged macrophytes on sedimentary diatom assemblages. Journal of Phycology 47: 1230 – 1240.

Barros, N., JJ Cole, LJ Tranvik, YT Prairie, D Bastiviken, VLM Huszar, PA del Giorgio and F Roland. 2011. Carbon emission from hydroelectric reservoirs linked to reservoir age and latitude. Nature Geoscience 4: 593-596.

Cantin, A, BE Beisner, J Gunn, YT Prairie and J Winter. 2011. Effects of thermocline deepening on lake plankton communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 260 – 276.

Teodoru C, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2011. Spatial heterogeneity of surface CO2 fluxes in a newly created Eastmain-1 reservoir in northern Quebec, Canada. Ecosystems 14: 28 – 46.

Cantin A,  BE Beisner, JM Gunn, YT Prairie, and JG Winter. 2011. Differential effects of thermocline deepening and mixing on lake plankton communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 260-276.

Vachon, D, YT Prairie and JJ Cole. 2010. The relationship between near-surface turbulence and gas transfer velocity in freshwater systems and its effect on floating chamber measurements. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 1723–1732.

Vogt, RJ, BE Beisner and YT Prairie. 2010. Functional diversity is positively associated with biomass for lake diatoms. Freshwater Biology 55: 1636-1646.

Demarty M and YT Prairie. 2009. In situ DOC release by submerged macrophyte-epiphyte communities in Southern Quebec lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 1522-1531.

Marchand D, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2009. Linking forest fires to lake metabolism and CO2 emissions in the boreal region of Northern Québec. Global Change Biology. 15: 2861-2873.

Teodoru C, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and M. Camiré. 2009. Patterns in pCO2  in boreal streams and rivers of northern Québec, Canada.  Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23: GB2012.

Roehm CL, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2009. The pCO2 dynamics in lakes in the boreal region of northern Québec, Canada.  Global Biogeochemical Cycles GB3013.

Calleja ML, CM Duarte, YT Prairie, S Agustí and G Herndl. Organic matter modulation of air-sea CO2 exchange. 2009. Biogeosciences 6: 1105-1114.

Finlay K, PR Leavitt, B Wissel, and YT Prairie. 2010. Regulation of spatial and temporal variability of carbon flux in six hard-water lakes of the northern Great Plains. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 2553-2564.

Tranvik L, JA Downing, YT Prairie et al. 2009. Lakes and reservoirs as regulators of carbon cycling and climate. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 2298-2314.

Duarte, CM, YT Prairie, C Montes, JJ Cole, R Striegl, J Melack, and JA Downing. CO2 emissions from saline lakes: A global estimate of a surprisingly large flux. Journal of Geophysical Research 113: G04041.

Prairie, YT. 2008. Carbocentric limnology: looking back, looking forward. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 543-548.

Downing, JA, JJ Cole, JJ Middelburg, RG Striegl, CM Duarte, P Kortelainen, YT Prairie, and KA Laube. 2008, Sediment organic carbon burial in agriculturally eutrophic impoundments over the last century, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22: GB1018.

Racca, JMJ, R Racca, R Pienitz, and YT Prairie. 2007. PaleoNet: New software for building, evaluating and applying neural network based transfer functions in paleoecology. Journal of Paleolimnology 38: 467-472.

Cole, JJ, YT Prairie, NF Caraco, WH McDowell, LJ Tranvik, RG Striegl, CM Duarte, P Kortelainen, and JA Downing. 2007. Plumbing the global carbon cycle: Integrating inland waters into the terrestrial carbon budget. Ecosystems 10: 171-184.

Sobek S, LJ Tranvik, YT Prairie, P Kortelainen, and JJ Cole. 2007. Global scale patterns and regulation of dissolved organic carbon  in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1208-1219.

Prairie, YT and CM Duarte. 2006. Direct and indirect metabolic CO2 release by humanity. Biogeosciences 4: 215-217 .

Downing JA, YT Prairie , JJ Cole ,CM Duarte , LJ Tranvik , RG Striegl, WH McDowell , P Kortelainen, NF Caraco, JM Melack , and J Middelburg. 2006. The global abundance and size distribution of lakes, ponds, and impoundments. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 2388–2397.

Duarte, CM and YT Prairie. 2005. Prevalence of heterotrophy and atmospheric CO2 emissions from aquatic ecosystems. Ecosystems 8: 862-870.

Giani, A, DF Bird, YT Prairie and J Lawrence. 2005. Empirical study of cyanobacterial toxicity along a trophic gradient of lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2100-2109.

Gazeau, F, CM Duarte, JP Gattuso, C Baron, N Navarro, S Ruiz, YT Prairie, M. Calleja, B. Delille, M. Frankignoulle and AV Borges. 2005. Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a Mediterranean Bay dominated by seagrass beds (Palma Bay, NW Mediterranean). Biogeosciences 2:43-60

Racca, JMJ, I Gregory-Eaves, R Pienitz and YT Prairie. 2004.Tailoring paleolimnological diatom-based transfer functions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2440-2454.

Molot LA, W Keller, PR Leavitt, RD Robarts, MJ Waiser, MT Arts, TA Clair, R Pienitz, ND Yan, DK McNicol, YT Prairie, PJ Dillon, M Macrae, R Bello and RN Nordin, 2004. Risk Analysis of UVB Exposure to Canadian Inland Waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2511-2521.

Cammack, WKL, J Kalff, YT Prairie, and EM Smith. 2004. Dissolved organic matter fluorescence: Relationships with heterotrophic bacterial metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 2034–2045.

Smith, EM and YT Prairie. 2004. Bacterial metabolism and growth efficiency in lakes: The importance of phosphorus availability Limnology and Oceanography 49: 137-147.

Racca, JMM and YT Prairie. 2004. Apparent and real bias in numerical transfer functions in palaeolimnology. Journal of Paleolimnology 31: 117-124.

Philibert, A, YT Prairie, and I Campbell. 2004. Effects of late Holocene wildfires on diatom assemblages in Christina Lake, Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 2405-2415.

Philibert, A, YT Prairie, and C Carcaillet. 2003. 1200 years of fire impact on biogeochemistry as inferred from high resolution diatom analysis in a kettle lake from the Picea marina-moss domain (Quebec, Canada). Journal of Paleolimnology 30: 167-181.

Calbet, A and YT Prairie. 2003. Mesozooplankton grazing and primary production: Reply to the comment by Laws. Limnology and Oceanography 48: 1359-1362.

Racca, JMJ, MD Wild, HJB Birks and YT Prairie. 2003. Separating wheat from chaff: Diatom taxon selection using  an artificial neural network pruning algorithm. Journal of Paleolimnology 29: 123-133.

Philibert, A, and YT Prairie. 2002. Diatom-based transfer functions in western Quebec lakes (Abitibi and Haute Mauricie): the possible role of epilimnetic CO2 concentration in influencing diatom assemblages. Journal of Paleolimnology 27: 465-480.

Philibert, A and YT Prairie. 2002 Is the introduction of benthic species necessary for open-water chemical reconstruction in diatom transfer functions? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59: 938–951

Prairie, YT., D.F. Bird and J.J. Cole. 2002. The summer metabolic balance in the epilimnion of southeastern Quebec lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 316-321.

Enache, M and YT Prairie. 2002. WA-PLS diatom-based pH,TP and DOC inference models from 42 lakes in the Abitibi clay belt area (Quebec,Canada). Journal of Paleolimnology 27: 151-171.

Carcaillet C, Y Bergeron, PJH Richard, B Fréchette, S Gauthier and YT Prairie. 2001. Change of fire frequency in the eastern Canadian boreal forests during the Holocene: does vegetation composition or climate trigger the fire regime? Journal of Ecology 89: 930–946.

Racca, JMJ, A Philibert, R Racca and YT Prairie. 2001. A comparison between diatom-based pH inference models using Artificial Neural Networks, WA and WA-PLS. Journal of Paleolimnology 26: 411-422.

Enache, M and YT Prairie. 2000. Paleolimnological reconstruction of fire-induced changes in lake biogeochemistry (L. Francis, Qc).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 146-154

Ricciardi-Rigault, M, DF Bird and YT Prairie. 2000. Changes in sediment viral and bacterial abundances in relation to hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in a shallow eutrophic lake, L. Brome (QC, Canada). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:1284-1290.

Bird, DF, SK Juniper, M Ricciardi-Rigault, P Martineu, YT Prairie and SE Calvert. 2000 Subsurface viruses and bacteria in Holocene/Late Pleistocene sediments of Saanich Inlet, B.C.: ODP Holes 1033B and 1034B, Leg 169S. Marine Geology 174: 227-239.

Xenopoulos, MA, YT Prairie, and DF Bird. 2000. UVB, Ozone Variability, Thermal Stratification and Phytoplankton Dynamics in a Humic Lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 600-609.

Lamontagne, S, R Carignan, P D’Arcy, YT Prairie, and D Paré. 2000. Element export in runoff from eastern Canadian boreal shield drainage basins following Forest Harvesting and Wildfires. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:118-128.

Bergeron, Y, PJH Richard, C Carcaillet, S Gauthier, M Flannigan, and YT Prairie.  1998. Variability in fire frequency and forest composition in Canada’s southeastern boreal forest: A challenge for sustainable forest management. Conservation Ecology (online) 2:

Vidondo, B, YT Prairie, JM Blanco, and CM Duarte. 1997. Some aspects of the analysis of biomass size-spectra in aquatic ecology. Limnology and Oceanography 42:184-192.

del Giorgio, PA, YT Prairie, and DF Bird. 1997. Coupling between rates of bacterial production and the abundance of metabolically active bacteria in lakes, enumerated using CTC reduction and flow cytometry. Microbial Ecology 34:144-154.

Prairie, YT and CM Duarte. 1996 Weak density-dependence and short-term perturbations as determinants of phytoplankton temporal dynamics. Ecoscience 3:451-460.

del Giorgio, PA, DF Bird, YT Prairie and D Planas. 1996. The flow cytometric determination of bacterial abundance in natural lake plankton using the nucleic acid stain SYTO 13. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 783-789.

Prairie, YT, RH Peters, and DF Bird. 1995. Natural variability and the estimation of empirical relationships: a re-assessment of regression methods. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:788-798.

Prairie, YT and CT Marshall. 1995. On the use of structured time-series to detect and test hypotheses about within lakes relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:799-803.

Prairie, YT. 1995. Evaluating the predictive power of regression models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:490-492.

Deslandes, J-C, S Guenette, YT Prairie, D. Roy, R. Verdon, and R. Fortin. 1995. Changes in fish populations affected by the construction of the La Grande complex (Phase I), James Bay region, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 1860-1877.

Cattaneo, A. and YT Prairie. 1995. Temporal variability in the chemical characteristics along the Rivière de l’Achigan: how many samples are necessary to describe stream chemistry. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 828-835.

Leduc, A., YT Prairie and Y Bergeron. 1994. Fractal dimension estimates of a forested landscape: sources of variability. Landscape Ecology 9: 279-286.

France R., RH Peters, and YT Prairie. 1994. Adjusting chlorophyll-a estimates through temporal weighting based on the seasonal development of phytobiomass. Aquatic Sciences 56: 106-114.

de Montigny, C and YT Prairie. 1993. The relative importance of biological and chemical processes in the release of phosphorus from a highly organic sediment. Hydrobiologia 253: 141-150.

Prairie, YT. and R Langevin. 1990. Sulfate and nitrate retention in lakes. Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 24:152-154.

Prairie, YT. 1990. A comment on  « Nutrient status and nutrient competition of phytoplankton in a shallow, hypertrophic lake (Sommer) ». Limnology and Oceanography 35:778-779.

Prairie, YT. 1989. Stastitical models for the estimation of net phosphorus sedimentation in lakes.  Aquatic Sciences 51: 192-210.

Prairie, YT., CM Duarte and J  Kalff. 1989. Unifying nutrient-chlorophyll relationships in lakes.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46: 1176-1182.

Prairie, YT. and DF Bird. 1989. Some misconceptions about the spurious correlation problem in the ecological literature.  Oecologia. 81: 285-288.

Prairie, YT. 1988. A test of the sedimentation assumptions of phosphorus input-output models in lakes.  Archiv fur Hydrobiologia 11: 321-327.

Prairie, YT and J Kalff. 1988. Particulate phosphorus dynamics in headwater streams.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 210-215.

Prairie, YT and J  Kalff. 1988. Dissolved phosphorus dynamics in headwater streams.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 200-209.

Prairie, YT. and J  Kalff, J. 1986. Effect of catchment size on phosphorus export.  Water Resources Bulletin 22: 465-470.

Bird, DF and YT Prairie. 1985.  Practical guidelines for the use of zoo-plankton regression equations. Journal of Plankton Research 7: 955-960.

Soued C, JA Harrison, S Mercier-Blais, YT Prairie. 2022. Reservoir CO2 and CH4 emissions and their climate impact over the period 1900–2060. Nature Geoscience. DOI:

Reis PCJ, SD Thottathil, and . 2022. The role of methanotrophy in the microbial carbon metabolism of temperate lakes. Nature Communications. 2022-12. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-27718-2

Prairie YT, S Mercier-Blais, JA Harrison, C Soued ,PA del Giorgio, A Harby,  J Alm, V Chanudet, R Nahas. 2021. A new modelling framework to assess biogenic GHG emissions from reservoirs: The G-res tool. Environmental Modelling and Software 143 (2021) 105117, 1-16.

Harrison JA, YT Prairie, C Soued, S Mercier-Blais. 2021. Year-2020 global distribution and pathways of reservoir methane and carbon dioxide emissions according to the greenhouse gas from reservoirs (G-res) model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35.

Soued C and Prairie YT. 2021. Changing sources and processes sustaining surface CO2 and CH4 fluxes along a tropical river to reservoir system. Biogeosciences, 18(4), 1333–1350.

Thottathil SD and YT Prairie. 2021. Coupling of stable carbon isotopic signature of methane and ebullitive fluxes in northern temperate lakes.  Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146117

Koschorreck M, YT Prairie, J Kim, and R Marcé. 2021. Technical note: CO2 is not like CH4 – limits of and corrections to the headspace method to analyse pCO2 in water, Biogeosciences,

Levasseur A, S Mercier-Blais, YT Prairie, A Tremblay, C Turpin. 2020. Improving the accuracy of electricity carbon footprint: Estimation of hydroelectric reservoir greenhouse gas emissions, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 136 (2021) 110433.

Peter H, G Singer , AJ Ulseth, T Dittmar, YT Prairie, TJ Battin. 2020. Travel Time and Source Variation Explain the Molecular Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in an Alpine Stream Network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2020-08.

Anderson NJ, AJ Heathcote, DR Engstrom, DB Ryves, K Mills, YT Prairie, PA del Giorgio, H Bennion, S Turner, NL Rose, VJ ones, N Solovieva, A Cook Shinneman, CE Umbanhowar, SC Fritz, D Verschuren, JE Saros, JM Russell, R Bindler, B Valero-Garcés, MB Edlund, RD Dietz, AE Myrbo. 2020. Anthropogenic alteration of nutrient supply increases the global freshwater carbon sink. Science Advances. 6-16. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw2145

Reis PCJ, C Ruiz-Gonzalez, S  Crevecoeur, C Soued and YT Prairie. 2020. Rapid shifts in methanotrophic bacterial communities mitigate methane emissions from a tropical hydropower reservoir and its downstream river

Soued C and YT Prairie. 2020. The carbon footprint of a Malaysian tropical reservoir: measured versus modelled estimates highlight the underestimated key role of downstream processes, Biogeosciences, DOI:10.5194/bg-17-515-2020

Hutchins RHS, JP Casas-Ruiz, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio . 2020. Magnitude and drivers of integrated fluvial network greenhouse gas emissions across the boreal landscape in Québec, Water Research 173, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115556

Reis PCJ, SD Thottathil, C Ruiz-Gonzalez and YT Prairie. 2019. Niche separation within aerobic methanotrophic bacteria across lakes and its link to methane oxidation rates, Environmental Microbiology 22(2), DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.14877

Li Z, H Du, H Xu, Y Xiao, L Lu, JS Guo, YT Prairie and S Mercier-Blais. 2019. The carbon footprint of large- and mid-scale hydropower in China: Synthesis from five China’s largest hydro-project, Journal of Environmental Management 250:109363, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109363

Crevecoeur S, C Ruiz-Gonzalez, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2019. Large scale biogeography and environmental regulation of methanotrophic bacteria across boreal inland waters, Molecular Ecology 28(18), DOI: 10.1111/mec.15223

Huot Y et al. 2019. The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate, Science of The Total Environment 695:133668, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133668

Thottathil SD, PCJ Reis and YT Prairie. 2019. Methane oxidation kinetics in northern freshwater lakes, Biogeochemistry,

Zwart JA,  O Hararuk, YT Prairie, SE Jones, CT Solomon. 2019. Improving estimates and forecasts of lake carbon dynamics using data assimilation, Limnology and oceanography, methods, 10.1002/lom3.10302

Hutchins RHS,  YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2019. Large-scale landscape drivers of CO2, CH4, DOC and DIC in boreal river networks, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, DOI: 10.1029/2018GB006106

Thottathil SD, PCJ Reis, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2018. The Extent and Regulation of Summer Methane Oxidation in Northern Lakes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,  doi:10.1029/2018JG004464

Hararuk O, JA Zwart, SE Jones, YT Prairie, CT Solomon. 2018. Model‐Data Fusion to Test Hypothesized Drivers of Lake Carbon Cycling Reveals Importance of Physical Controls, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123:3

Tranvik L, J Cole and YT Prairie. 2018. The study of carbon in lakes – from isolated ecosystems to players in the global carbon cycle. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 3:3

Wang W, NT Roulet, Y Kim, IB Strachan, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A Tremblay. 2018. Modelling CO2 emissions from water surface of a boreal hydroelectric reservoir, Science of the Total Environment, 612, 392–404.

Politi E and YT Prairie. 2018. The potential of Earth Observation in modelling nutrient loading and water quality in lakes of southern Québec, Canada. Aquatic Sciences. 80: 8.

Prairie YT, J Alm, J Beaulieu, N Barros, T Battin, JJ Cole, PA del Giorgio, T DelSontro, F Guérin, A Harby, J Harrison, S Mercier-Blais, D Serça, S Sobek and D Vachon. 2018. GHG emissions from freshwater reservoirs: what does the atmosphere see? Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-017-0198-9

DelSontro T, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2017. No longer a paradox. The interaction between physical transport and biological processes explains the spatial distribution of methane within and across lakes. Ecosystems

Hutchins RHS, P Aukes, SL Schiff, T Dittmar, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2017. The optical, chemical, and molecular dissolved organic matter succession along a boreal soil-stream-river continuum. Journal of Geophysical Research. 122.

DelSontro, T, L Boutet, A St-Pierre, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2016. Methane ebullition and diffusion from northern ponds and lakes regulated by the interaction between temperature and system productivity.  Limnology and Oceanography doi: 10.1002/lno.10335.

Vachon, D, YT Prairie, F Guillemette and PA del Giorgio. 2016. Modeling allochthonous dissolved organic carbon mineralization under variable hydrologic regimes in boreal lakes. Ecosystems. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0057-0.

Kim, Y, NT Roulet, CS Li, S Frolking, IB Strachan, CH Peng, CR Teodoru, YT Prairie and A Tremblay. 2016. Simulating carbon dioxide exchange in boreal ecosystems flooded by reservoirs.  Ecological Modelling 327 : 1-17.

Wang W, NT Roulet, Y Kim, IB Strachan, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A Tremblay.  2016. Integrating aquatic and terrestrial biogeochemical model to predict effects of reservoir creation on CO2 emissions. Biogeosciences Discussions doi:10.5194/bg-2016-100.

Li, M, A Parkes, YT Prairie, and PA del Giorgio. 2015. The relative influence of topography and land cover on inorganic and organic carbon export from catchments in southern Quebec, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120,12: 2562–2578

Mercier-Blais S, BE Beisner and YT Prairie. In revision. Shift in the sink-source carbon balance of lakes following thermocline deepening. Inland Waters.

Ducharme-Riel, V, D Vachon, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2015. The relative contribution of winter under-ice and summer hypolimnetic CO2 accumulation to the annual CO2 emissions from northern lakes. Ecosystems 18: 547-559.

Heathcote, AJ, NJ Anderson, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2014. Large increases in carbon burial in northern lakes during the Anthropocene. Nature Communication 6:10016.

Heathcote, AJ, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2015. Predicting bathymetric features of lakes from the topography of their surrounding landscape. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 643-650.

Rasilo, T, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2015. Large-scale patterns in summer diffusive CH4 fluxes across boreal lakes, and contribution to diffusive C emissions. Global Change Biology 21:1125-1139.

Bogard, MJ, PA del Giorgio, L Boutet, MCG Chaves, YT Prairie, A Merante and AM Derry. 2014. Oxic water column methanogenesis as a major component of aquatic CH4 fluxes. Nature Communications

Stubbins, A, JF Lapierre, M Berggen, YT Prairie, T Dittmar and PA del Giorgio. 2014. What’s in an EEM? Molecular Signatures Associated with Dissolved Organic Fluorescence in Boreal Canada. Environmental Science and Technology 48: 10598-10606.

Stubbins A, RG Spencer, PJ Mann, T Dittmar, J Niggemann, RM Holmes, JW McClelland, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie, JF Lapierre and M Berggren. Biogeochemical interpretations of colored dissolved organic matter optical signatures. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 07.

Ferland ME, YT Prairie, C Teodoru and PA del Giorgio. 2014. Linking organic carbon sedimentation, burial efficiency and long-term accumulation in boreal lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 119: 836-847.

Gauthier J, YT Prairie and BE Beisner. 2014. Thermocline deepening and mixing alter zooplankton

phenology, biomass and body size in a whole‐lake experiment. Freshwater Biology 59: 998-1011.

Weyhenmeyer GA, YT Prairie and LJ Tranvik. 2014. Browning of Boreal Freshwaters Coupled to Carbon-Iron Interactions along the Aquatic Continuum. PLoS one 9.

Vachon D and YT Prairie. 2013. The ecosystem size and shape dependence of gas transfer velocity versus wind speed relationships in lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 1757–1764.

Teodoru CR, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A St-Pierre. 2013. Depositional fluxes and sources of particulate carbon and nitrogen in natural lakes and a young boreal reservoir in Northern Québec. Biogeochemistry 113: 323 – 339.

Prairie YT and PA del Giorgio. 2013. A new pathway of freshwater methane emissions and the putative importance of microbubbles. Inland Waters 3: 311 – 320.

Ferland ME, del Giorgio PA, Teodoru CR and YT Prairie. 2012. Long-term C accumulation and total C stocks in boreal lakes in northern Québec. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB0E04.

Teodoru CR, J Bastien, MC Booneville, PA del Giorgio, M Demarty, M Garneau, JF Helie, L Pelletier, Prairie, YT, NT Roulet, IB Stratchan and A Tremblay. 2012. The net carbon footprint of a newly created boreal hydroelectric reservoir. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB2016.

Pace, ML, I Reche, JJ Cole, A Fernandez-Barbero, IP Mazuecos and YT Prairie. 2012. pH change induces shifts in the size and light absorption of dissolved organic matter. Biogeochemistry 108: 1-3.

Brothers, SM, PA del Giorgio, CR Teodoru and YT Prairie. 2012. Landscape heterogeneity influences carbon dioxide production in a young boreal reservoir. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 447 – 456.

Vermaire, JC, YT Prairie, and Gregory-Eaves, I. 2012. Diatom-inferred decline of macrophyte abundance in lakes of southern Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 511 – 524.

Brothers, S.M., YT Prairie and del Giorgio, P.A. 2012. Benthic and pelagic sources of carbon dioxide in boreal lakes and a young reservoir (Eastmain-1) in eastern Canada. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB1002.

Downing JA, JJ Cole, CM Duarte, JJ Middelburg, JM Melack, YT Prairie,  P Kortelainen, (…), LJ Tranvik. 2012. Global abundance and size distribution of streams and rivers. Inland Waters 2 (4) , pp. 229-236. Vermaire, JC, YT Prairie, and I Gregory-Eaves. 2011. The influence of submerged macrophytes on sedimentary diatom assemblages. Journal of Phycology 47: 1230 – 1240.

Barros, N., JJ Cole, LJ Tranvik, YT Prairie, D Bastiviken, VLM Huszar, PA del Giorgio and F Roland. 2011. Carbon emission from hydroelectric reservoirs linked to reservoir age and latitude. Nature Geoscience 4: 593-596.

Cantin, A, BE Beisner, J Gunn, YT Prairie and J Winter. 2011. Effects of thermocline deepening on lake plankton communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 260 – 276.

Teodoru C, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2011. Spatial heterogeneity of surface CO2 fluxes in a newly created Eastmain-1 reservoir in northern Quebec, Canada. Ecosystems 14: 28 – 46.

Cantin A,  BE Beisner, JM Gunn, YT Prairie, and JG Winter. 2011. Differential effects of thermocline deepening and mixing on lake plankton communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 260-276.

Vachon, D, YT Prairie and JJ Cole. 2010. The relationship between near-surface turbulence and gas transfer velocity in freshwater systems and its effect on floating chamber measurements. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 1723–1732.

Vogt, RJ, BE Beisner and YT Prairie. 2010. Functional diversity is positively associated with biomass for lake diatoms. Freshwater Biology 55: 1636-1646.

Demarty M and YT Prairie. 2009. In situ DOC release by submerged macrophyte-epiphyte communities in Southern Quebec lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 1522-1531.

Marchand D, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2009. Linking forest fires to lake metabolism and CO2 emissions in the boreal region of Northern Québec. Global Change Biology. 15: 2861-2873.

Teodoru C, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and M. Camiré. 2009. Patterns in pCO2  in boreal streams and rivers of northern Québec, Canada.  Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23: GB2012.

Roehm CL, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2009. The pCO2 dynamics in lakes in the boreal region of northern Québec, Canada.  Global Biogeochemical Cycles GB3013.

Calleja ML, CM Duarte, YT Prairie, S Agustí and G Herndl. Organic matter modulation of air-sea CO2 exchange. 2009. Biogeosciences 6: 1105-1114.

Finlay K, PR Leavitt, B Wissel, and YT Prairie. 2010. Regulation of spatial and temporal variability of carbon flux in six hard-water lakes of the northern Great Plains. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 2553-2564.

Tranvik L, JA Downing, YT Prairie et al. 2009. Lakes and reservoirs as regulators of carbon cycling and climate. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 2298-2314.

Duarte, CM, YT Prairie, C Montes, JJ Cole, R Striegl, J Melack, and JA Downing. CO2 emissions from saline lakes: A global estimate of a surprisingly large flux. Journal of Geophysical Research 113: G04041.

Prairie, YT. 2008. Carbocentric limnology: looking back, looking forward. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 543-548.

Downing, JA, JJ Cole, JJ Middelburg, RG Striegl, CM Duarte, P Kortelainen, YT Prairie, and KA Laube. 2008, Sediment organic carbon burial in agriculturally eutrophic impoundments over the last century, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22: GB1018.

Racca, JMJ, R Racca, R Pienitz, and YT Prairie. 2007. PaleoNet: New software for building, evaluating and applying neural network based transfer functions in paleoecology. Journal of Paleolimnology 38: 467-472.

Cole, JJ, YT Prairie, NF Caraco, WH McDowell, LJ Tranvik, RG Striegl, CM Duarte, P Kortelainen, and JA Downing. 2007. Plumbing the global carbon cycle: Integrating inland waters into the terrestrial carbon budget. Ecosystems 10: 171-184.

Sobek S, LJ Tranvik, YT Prairie, P Kortelainen, and JJ Cole. 2007. Global scale patterns and regulation of dissolved organic carbon  in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1208-1219.

Prairie, YT and CM Duarte. 2006. Direct and indirect metabolic CO2 release by humanity. Biogeosciences 4: 215-217 .

Downing JA, YT Prairie , JJ Cole ,CM Duarte , LJ Tranvik , RG Striegl, WH McDowell , P Kortelainen, NF Caraco, JM Melack , and J Middelburg. 2006. The global abundance and size distribution of lakes, ponds, and impoundments. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 2388–2397.

Duarte, CM and YT Prairie. 2005. Prevalence of heterotrophy and atmospheric CO2 emissions from aquatic ecosystems. Ecosystems 8: 862-870.

Giani, A, DF Bird, YT Prairie and J Lawrence. 2005. Empirical study of cyanobacterial toxicity along a trophic gradient of lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2100-2109.

Gazeau, F, CM Duarte, JP Gattuso, C Baron, N Navarro, S Ruiz, YT Prairie, M. Calleja, B. Delille, M. Frankignoulle and AV Borges. 2005. Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a Mediterranean Bay dominated by seagrass beds (Palma Bay, NW Mediterranean). Biogeosciences 2:43-60

Racca, JMJ, I Gregory-Eaves, R Pienitz and YT Prairie. 2004.Tailoring paleolimnological diatom-based transfer functions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2440-2454.

Molot LA, W Keller, PR Leavitt, RD Robarts, MJ Waiser, MT Arts, TA Clair, R Pienitz, ND Yan, DK McNicol, YT Prairie, PJ Dillon, M Macrae, R Bello and RN Nordin, 2004. Risk Analysis of UVB Exposure to Canadian Inland Waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2511-2521.

Cammack, WKL, J Kalff, YT Prairie, and EM Smith. 2004. Dissolved organic matter fluorescence: Relationships with heterotrophic bacterial metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 2034–2045.

Smith, EM and YT Prairie. 2004. Bacterial metabolism and growth efficiency in lakes: The importance of phosphorus availability Limnology and Oceanography 49: 137-147.

Racca, JMM and YT Prairie. 2004. Apparent and real bias in numerical transfer functions in palaeolimnology. Journal of Paleolimnology 31: 117-124.

Philibert, A, YT Prairie, and I Campbell. 2004. Effects of late Holocene wildfires on diatom assemblages in Christina Lake, Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 2405-2415.

Philibert, A, YT Prairie, and C Carcaillet. 2003. 1200 years of fire impact on biogeochemistry as inferred from high resolution diatom analysis in a kettle lake from the Picea marina-moss domain (Quebec, Canada). Journal of Paleolimnology 30: 167-181.

Calbet, A and YT Prairie. 2003. Mesozooplankton grazing and primary production: Reply to the comment by Laws. Limnology and Oceanography 48: 1359-1362.

Racca, JMJ, MD Wild, HJB Birks and YT Prairie. 2003. Separating wheat from chaff: Diatom taxon selection using  an artificial neural network pruning algorithm. Journal of Paleolimnology 29: 123-133.

Philibert, A, and YT Prairie. 2002. Diatom-based transfer functions in western Quebec lakes (Abitibi and Haute Mauricie): the possible role of epilimnetic CO2 concentration in influencing diatom assemblages. Journal of Paleolimnology 27: 465-480.

Philibert, A and YT Prairie. 2002 Is the introduction of benthic species necessary for open-water chemical reconstruction in diatom transfer functions? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59: 938–951

Prairie, YT., D.F. Bird and J.J. Cole. 2002. The summer metabolic balance in the epilimnion of southeastern Quebec lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 316-321.

Enache, M and YT Prairie. 2002. WA-PLS diatom-based pH,TP and DOC inference models from 42 lakes in the Abitibi clay belt area (Quebec,Canada). Journal of Paleolimnology 27: 151-171.

Carcaillet C, Y Bergeron, PJH Richard, B Fréchette, S Gauthier and YT Prairie. 2001. Change of fire frequency in the eastern Canadian boreal forests during the Holocene: does vegetation composition or climate trigger the fire regime? Journal of Ecology 89: 930–946.

Racca, JMJ, A Philibert, R Racca and YT Prairie. 2001. A comparison between diatom-based pH inference models using Artificial Neural Networks, WA and WA-PLS. Journal of Paleolimnology 26: 411-422.

Enache, M and YT Prairie. 2000. Paleolimnological reconstruction of fire-induced changes in lake biogeochemistry (L. Francis, Qc).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 146-154

Ricciardi-Rigault, M, DF Bird and YT Prairie. 2000. Changes in sediment viral and bacterial abundances in relation to hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in a shallow eutrophic lake, L. Brome (QC, Canada). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:1284-1290.

Bird, DF, SK Juniper, M Ricciardi-Rigault, P Martineu, YT Prairie and SE Calvert. 2000 Subsurface viruses and bacteria in Holocene/Late Pleistocene sediments of Saanich Inlet, B.C.: ODP Holes 1033B and 1034B, Leg 169S. Marine Geology 174: 227-239.

Xenopoulos, MA, YT Prairie, and DF Bird. 2000. UVB, Ozone Variability, Thermal Stratification and Phytoplankton Dynamics in a Humic Lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 600-609.

Lamontagne, S, R Carignan, P D’Arcy, YT Prairie, and D Paré. 2000. Element export in runoff from eastern Canadian boreal shield drainage basins following Forest Harvesting and Wildfires. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:118-128.

Bergeron, Y, PJH Richard, C Carcaillet, S Gauthier, M Flannigan, and YT Prairie.  1998. Variability in fire frequency and forest composition in Canada’s southeastern boreal forest: A challenge for sustainable forest management. Conservation Ecology (online) 2:

Vidondo, B, YT Prairie, JM Blanco, and CM Duarte. 1997. Some aspects of the analysis of biomass size-spectra in aquatic ecology. Limnology and Oceanography 42:184-192.

del Giorgio, PA, YT Prairie, and DF Bird. 1997. Coupling between rates of bacterial production and the abundance of metabolically active bacteria in lakes, enumerated using CTC reduction and flow cytometry. Microbial Ecology 34:144-154.

Prairie, YT and CM Duarte. 1996 Weak density-dependence and short-term perturbations as determinants of phytoplankton temporal dynamics. Ecoscience 3:451-460.

del Giorgio, PA, DF Bird, YT Prairie and D Planas. 1996. The flow cytometric determination of bacterial abundance in natural lake plankton using the nucleic acid stain SYTO 13. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 783-789.

Prairie, YT, RH Peters, and DF Bird. 1995. Natural variability and the estimation of empirical relationships: a re-assessment of regression methods. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:788-798.

Prairie, YT and CT Marshall. 1995. On the use of structured time-series to detect and test hypotheses about within lakes relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:799-803.

Prairie, YT. 1995. Evaluating the predictive power of regression models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:490-492.

Deslandes, J-C, S Guenette, YT Prairie, D. Roy, R. Verdon, and R. Fortin. 1995. Changes in fish populations affected by the construction of the La Grande complex (Phase I), James Bay region, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 1860-1877.

Cattaneo, A. and YT Prairie. 1995. Temporal variability in the chemical characteristics along the Rivière de l’Achigan: how many samples are necessary to describe stream chemistry. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 828-835.

Leduc, A., YT Prairie and Y Bergeron. 1994. Fractal dimension estimates of a forested landscape: sources of variability. Landscape Ecology 9: 279-286.

France R., RH Peters, and YT Prairie. 1994. Adjusting chlorophyll-a estimates through temporal weighting based on the seasonal development of phytobiomass. Aquatic Sciences 56: 106-114.

de Montigny, C and YT Prairie. 1993. The relative importance of biological and chemical processes in the release of phosphorus from a highly organic sediment. Hydrobiologia 253: 141-150.

Prairie, YT. and R Langevin. 1990. Sulfate and nitrate retention in lakes. Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 24:152-154.

Prairie, YT. 1990. A comment on  « Nutrient status and nutrient competition of phytoplankton in a shallow, hypertrophic lake (Sommer) ». Limnology and Oceanography 35:778-779.

Prairie, YT. 1989. Stastitical models for the estimation of net phosphorus sedimentation in lakes.  Aquatic Sciences 51: 192-210.

Prairie, YT., CM Duarte and J  Kalff. 1989. Unifying nutrient-chlorophyll relationships in lakes.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46: 1176-1182.

Prairie, YT. and DF Bird. 1989. Some misconceptions about the spurious correlation problem in the ecological literature.  Oecologia. 81: 285-288.

Prairie, YT. 1988. A test of the sedimentation assumptions of phosphorus input-output models in lakes.  Archiv fur Hydrobiologia 11: 321-327.

Prairie, YT and J Kalff. 1988. Particulate phosphorus dynamics in headwater streams.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 210-215.

Prairie, YT and J  Kalff. 1988. Dissolved phosphorus dynamics in headwater streams.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 200-209.

Prairie, YT. and J  Kalff, J. 1986. Effect of catchment size on phosphorus export.  Water Resources Bulletin 22: 465-470.

Bird, DF and YT Prairie. 1985.  Practical guidelines for the use of zoo-plankton regression equations. Journal of Plankton Research 7: 955-960.

Soued C, JA Harrison, S Mercier-Blais, YT Prairie. 2022. Reservoir CO2 and CH4 emissions and their climate impact over the period 1900–2060. Nature Geoscience. DOI:

Reis PCJ, SD Thottathil, and . 2022. The role of methanotrophy in the microbial carbon metabolism of temperate lakes. Nature Communications. 2022-12. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-27718-2

Prairie YT, S Mercier-Blais, JA Harrison, C Soued ,PA del Giorgio, A Harby,  J Alm, V Chanudet, R Nahas. 2021. A new modelling framework to assess biogenic GHG emissions from reservoirs: The G-res tool. Environmental Modelling and Software 143 (2021) 105117, 1-16.

Harrison JA, YT Prairie, C Soued, S Mercier-Blais. 2021. Year-2020 global distribution and pathways of reservoir methane and carbon dioxide emissions according to the greenhouse gas from reservoirs (G-res) model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35.

Soued C and Prairie YT. 2021. Changing sources and processes sustaining surface CO2 and CH4 fluxes along a tropical river to reservoir system. Biogeosciences, 18(4), 1333–1350.

Thottathil SD and YT Prairie. 2021. Coupling of stable carbon isotopic signature of methane and ebullitive fluxes in northern temperate lakes.  Science of the Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146117

Koschorreck M, YT Prairie, J Kim, and R Marcé. 2021. Technical note: CO2 is not like CH4 – limits of and corrections to the headspace method to analyse pCO2 in water, Biogeosciences,

Levasseur A, S Mercier-Blais, YT Prairie, A Tremblay, C Turpin. 2020. Improving the accuracy of electricity carbon footprint: Estimation of hydroelectric reservoir greenhouse gas emissions, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 136 (2021) 110433.

Peter H, G Singer , AJ Ulseth, T Dittmar, YT Prairie, TJ Battin. 2020. Travel Time and Source Variation Explain the Molecular Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in an Alpine Stream Network. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2020-08.

Anderson NJ, AJ Heathcote, DR Engstrom, DB Ryves, K Mills, YT Prairie, PA del Giorgio, H Bennion, S Turner, NL Rose, VJ ones, N Solovieva, A Cook Shinneman, CE Umbanhowar, SC Fritz, D Verschuren, JE Saros, JM Russell, R Bindler, B Valero-Garcés, MB Edlund, RD Dietz, AE Myrbo. 2020. Anthropogenic alteration of nutrient supply increases the global freshwater carbon sink. Science Advances. 6-16. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw2145

Reis PCJ, C Ruiz-Gonzalez, S  Crevecoeur, C Soued and YT Prairie. 2020. Rapid shifts in methanotrophic bacterial communities mitigate methane emissions from a tropical hydropower reservoir and its downstream river

Soued C and YT Prairie. 2020. The carbon footprint of a Malaysian tropical reservoir: measured versus modelled estimates highlight the underestimated key role of downstream processes, Biogeosciences, DOI:10.5194/bg-17-515-2020

Hutchins RHS, JP Casas-Ruiz, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio . 2020. Magnitude and drivers of integrated fluvial network greenhouse gas emissions across the boreal landscape in Québec, Water Research 173, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115556

Reis PCJ, SD Thottathil, C Ruiz-Gonzalez and YT Prairie. 2019. Niche separation within aerobic methanotrophic bacteria across lakes and its link to methane oxidation rates, Environmental Microbiology 22(2), DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.14877

Li Z, H Du, H Xu, Y Xiao, L Lu, JS Guo, YT Prairie and S Mercier-Blais. 2019. The carbon footprint of large- and mid-scale hydropower in China: Synthesis from five China’s largest hydro-project, Journal of Environmental Management 250:109363, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109363

Crevecoeur S, C Ruiz-Gonzalez, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2019. Large scale biogeography and environmental regulation of methanotrophic bacteria across boreal inland waters, Molecular Ecology 28(18), DOI: 10.1111/mec.15223

Huot Y et al. 2019. The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate, Science of The Total Environment 695:133668, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133668

Thottathil SD, PCJ Reis and YT Prairie. 2019. Methane oxidation kinetics in northern freshwater lakes, Biogeochemistry,

Zwart JA,  O Hararuk, YT Prairie, SE Jones, CT Solomon. 2019. Improving estimates and forecasts of lake carbon dynamics using data assimilation, Limnology and oceanography, methods, 10.1002/lom3.10302

Hutchins RHS,  YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2019. Large-scale landscape drivers of CO2, CH4, DOC and DIC in boreal river networks, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, DOI: 10.1029/2018GB006106

Thottathil SD, PCJ Reis, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2018. The Extent and Regulation of Summer Methane Oxidation in Northern Lakes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,  doi:10.1029/2018JG004464

Hararuk O, JA Zwart, SE Jones, YT Prairie, CT Solomon. 2018. Model‐Data Fusion to Test Hypothesized Drivers of Lake Carbon Cycling Reveals Importance of Physical Controls, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123:3

Tranvik L, J Cole and YT Prairie. 2018. The study of carbon in lakes – from isolated ecosystems to players in the global carbon cycle. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 3:3

Wang W, NT Roulet, Y Kim, IB Strachan, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A Tremblay. 2018. Modelling CO2 emissions from water surface of a boreal hydroelectric reservoir, Science of the Total Environment, 612, 392–404.

Politi E and YT Prairie. 2018. The potential of Earth Observation in modelling nutrient loading and water quality in lakes of southern Québec, Canada. Aquatic Sciences. 80: 8.

Prairie YT, J Alm, J Beaulieu, N Barros, T Battin, JJ Cole, PA del Giorgio, T DelSontro, F Guérin, A Harby, J Harrison, S Mercier-Blais, D Serça, S Sobek and D Vachon. 2018. GHG emissions from freshwater reservoirs: what does the atmosphere see? Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-017-0198-9

DelSontro T, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2017. No longer a paradox. The interaction between physical transport and biological processes explains the spatial distribution of methane within and across lakes. Ecosystems

Hutchins RHS, P Aukes, SL Schiff, T Dittmar, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2017. The optical, chemical, and molecular dissolved organic matter succession along a boreal soil-stream-river continuum. Journal of Geophysical Research. 122.

DelSontro, T, L Boutet, A St-Pierre, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2016. Methane ebullition and diffusion from northern ponds and lakes regulated by the interaction between temperature and system productivity.  Limnology and Oceanography doi: 10.1002/lno.10335.

Vachon, D, YT Prairie, F Guillemette and PA del Giorgio. 2016. Modeling allochthonous dissolved organic carbon mineralization under variable hydrologic regimes in boreal lakes. Ecosystems. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0057-0.

Kim, Y, NT Roulet, CS Li, S Frolking, IB Strachan, CH Peng, CR Teodoru, YT Prairie and A Tremblay. 2016. Simulating carbon dioxide exchange in boreal ecosystems flooded by reservoirs.  Ecological Modelling 327 : 1-17.

Wang W, NT Roulet, Y Kim, IB Strachan, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A Tremblay.  2016. Integrating aquatic and terrestrial biogeochemical model to predict effects of reservoir creation on CO2 emissions. Biogeosciences Discussions doi:10.5194/bg-2016-100.

Li, M, A Parkes, YT Prairie, and PA del Giorgio. 2015. The relative influence of topography and land cover on inorganic and organic carbon export from catchments in southern Quebec, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120,12: 2562–2578

Mercier-Blais S, BE Beisner and YT Prairie. In revision. Shift in the sink-source carbon balance of lakes following thermocline deepening. Inland Waters.

Ducharme-Riel, V, D Vachon, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2015. The relative contribution of winter under-ice and summer hypolimnetic CO2 accumulation to the annual CO2 emissions from northern lakes. Ecosystems 18: 547-559.

Heathcote, AJ, NJ Anderson, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2014. Large increases in carbon burial in northern lakes during the Anthropocene. Nature Communication 6:10016.

Heathcote, AJ, PA del Giorgio and YT Prairie. 2015. Predicting bathymetric features of lakes from the topography of their surrounding landscape. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 643-650.

Rasilo, T, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2015. Large-scale patterns in summer diffusive CH4 fluxes across boreal lakes, and contribution to diffusive C emissions. Global Change Biology 21:1125-1139.

Bogard, MJ, PA del Giorgio, L Boutet, MCG Chaves, YT Prairie, A Merante and AM Derry. 2014. Oxic water column methanogenesis as a major component of aquatic CH4 fluxes. Nature Communications

Stubbins, A, JF Lapierre, M Berggen, YT Prairie, T Dittmar and PA del Giorgio. 2014. What’s in an EEM? Molecular Signatures Associated with Dissolved Organic Fluorescence in Boreal Canada. Environmental Science and Technology 48: 10598-10606.

Stubbins A, RG Spencer, PJ Mann, T Dittmar, J Niggemann, RM Holmes, JW McClelland, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie, JF Lapierre and M Berggren. Biogeochemical interpretations of colored dissolved organic matter optical signatures. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 07.

Ferland ME, YT Prairie, C Teodoru and PA del Giorgio. 2014. Linking organic carbon sedimentation, burial efficiency and long-term accumulation in boreal lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 119: 836-847.

Gauthier J, YT Prairie and BE Beisner. 2014. Thermocline deepening and mixing alter zooplankton

phenology, biomass and body size in a whole‐lake experiment. Freshwater Biology 59: 998-1011.

Weyhenmeyer GA, YT Prairie and LJ Tranvik. 2014. Browning of Boreal Freshwaters Coupled to Carbon-Iron Interactions along the Aquatic Continuum. PLoS one 9.

Vachon D and YT Prairie. 2013. The ecosystem size and shape dependence of gas transfer velocity versus wind speed relationships in lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 1757–1764.

Teodoru CR, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and A St-Pierre. 2013. Depositional fluxes and sources of particulate carbon and nitrogen in natural lakes and a young boreal reservoir in Northern Québec. Biogeochemistry 113: 323 – 339.

Prairie YT and PA del Giorgio. 2013. A new pathway of freshwater methane emissions and the putative importance of microbubbles. Inland Waters 3: 311 – 320.

Ferland ME, del Giorgio PA, Teodoru CR and YT Prairie. 2012. Long-term C accumulation and total C stocks in boreal lakes in northern Québec. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB0E04.

Teodoru CR, J Bastien, MC Booneville, PA del Giorgio, M Demarty, M Garneau, JF Helie, L Pelletier, Prairie, YT, NT Roulet, IB Stratchan and A Tremblay. 2012. The net carbon footprint of a newly created boreal hydroelectric reservoir. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB2016.

Pace, ML, I Reche, JJ Cole, A Fernandez-Barbero, IP Mazuecos and YT Prairie. 2012. pH change induces shifts in the size and light absorption of dissolved organic matter. Biogeochemistry 108: 1-3.

Brothers, SM, PA del Giorgio, CR Teodoru and YT Prairie. 2012. Landscape heterogeneity influences carbon dioxide production in a young boreal reservoir. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 447 – 456.

Vermaire, JC, YT Prairie, and Gregory-Eaves, I. 2012. Diatom-inferred decline of macrophyte abundance in lakes of southern Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 511 – 524.

Brothers, S.M., YT Prairie and del Giorgio, P.A. 2012. Benthic and pelagic sources of carbon dioxide in boreal lakes and a young reservoir (Eastmain-1) in eastern Canada. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB1002.

Downing JA, JJ Cole, CM Duarte, JJ Middelburg, JM Melack, YT Prairie,  P Kortelainen, (…), LJ Tranvik. 2012. Global abundance and size distribution of streams and rivers. Inland Waters 2 (4) , pp. 229-236. Vermaire, JC, YT Prairie, and I Gregory-Eaves. 2011. The influence of submerged macrophytes on sedimentary diatom assemblages. Journal of Phycology 47: 1230 – 1240.

Barros, N., JJ Cole, LJ Tranvik, YT Prairie, D Bastiviken, VLM Huszar, PA del Giorgio and F Roland. 2011. Carbon emission from hydroelectric reservoirs linked to reservoir age and latitude. Nature Geoscience 4: 593-596.

Cantin, A, BE Beisner, J Gunn, YT Prairie and J Winter. 2011. Effects of thermocline deepening on lake plankton communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 260 – 276.

Teodoru C, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2011. Spatial heterogeneity of surface CO2 fluxes in a newly created Eastmain-1 reservoir in northern Quebec, Canada. Ecosystems 14: 28 – 46.

Cantin A,  BE Beisner, JM Gunn, YT Prairie, and JG Winter. 2011. Differential effects of thermocline deepening and mixing on lake plankton communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 260-276.

Vachon, D, YT Prairie and JJ Cole. 2010. The relationship between near-surface turbulence and gas transfer velocity in freshwater systems and its effect on floating chamber measurements. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 1723–1732.

Vogt, RJ, BE Beisner and YT Prairie. 2010. Functional diversity is positively associated with biomass for lake diatoms. Freshwater Biology 55: 1636-1646.

Demarty M and YT Prairie. 2009. In situ DOC release by submerged macrophyte-epiphyte communities in Southern Quebec lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 1522-1531.

Marchand D, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2009. Linking forest fires to lake metabolism and CO2 emissions in the boreal region of Northern Québec. Global Change Biology. 15: 2861-2873.

Teodoru C, PA del Giorgio, YT Prairie and M. Camiré. 2009. Patterns in pCO2  in boreal streams and rivers of northern Québec, Canada.  Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23: GB2012.

Roehm CL, YT Prairie and PA del Giorgio. 2009. The pCO2 dynamics in lakes in the boreal region of northern Québec, Canada.  Global Biogeochemical Cycles GB3013.

Calleja ML, CM Duarte, YT Prairie, S Agustí and G Herndl. Organic matter modulation of air-sea CO2 exchange. 2009. Biogeosciences 6: 1105-1114.

Finlay K, PR Leavitt, B Wissel, and YT Prairie. 2010. Regulation of spatial and temporal variability of carbon flux in six hard-water lakes of the northern Great Plains. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 2553-2564.

Tranvik L, JA Downing, YT Prairie et al. 2009. Lakes and reservoirs as regulators of carbon cycling and climate. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 2298-2314.

Duarte, CM, YT Prairie, C Montes, JJ Cole, R Striegl, J Melack, and JA Downing. CO2 emissions from saline lakes: A global estimate of a surprisingly large flux. Journal of Geophysical Research 113: G04041.

Prairie, YT. 2008. Carbocentric limnology: looking back, looking forward. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 543-548.

Downing, JA, JJ Cole, JJ Middelburg, RG Striegl, CM Duarte, P Kortelainen, YT Prairie, and KA Laube. 2008, Sediment organic carbon burial in agriculturally eutrophic impoundments over the last century, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22: GB1018.

Racca, JMJ, R Racca, R Pienitz, and YT Prairie. 2007. PaleoNet: New software for building, evaluating and applying neural network based transfer functions in paleoecology. Journal of Paleolimnology 38: 467-472.

Cole, JJ, YT Prairie, NF Caraco, WH McDowell, LJ Tranvik, RG Striegl, CM Duarte, P Kortelainen, and JA Downing. 2007. Plumbing the global carbon cycle: Integrating inland waters into the terrestrial carbon budget. Ecosystems 10: 171-184.

Sobek S, LJ Tranvik, YT Prairie, P Kortelainen, and JJ Cole. 2007. Global scale patterns and regulation of dissolved organic carbon  in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1208-1219.

Prairie, YT and CM Duarte. 2006. Direct and indirect metabolic CO2 release by humanity. Biogeosciences 4: 215-217 .

Downing JA, YT Prairie , JJ Cole ,CM Duarte , LJ Tranvik , RG Striegl, WH McDowell , P Kortelainen, NF Caraco, JM Melack , and J Middelburg. 2006. The global abundance and size distribution of lakes, ponds, and impoundments. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 2388–2397.

Duarte, CM and YT Prairie. 2005. Prevalence of heterotrophy and atmospheric CO2 emissions from aquatic ecosystems. Ecosystems 8: 862-870.

Giani, A, DF Bird, YT Prairie and J Lawrence. 2005. Empirical study of cyanobacterial toxicity along a trophic gradient of lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2100-2109.

Gazeau, F, CM Duarte, JP Gattuso, C Baron, N Navarro, S Ruiz, YT Prairie, M. Calleja, B. Delille, M. Frankignoulle and AV Borges. 2005. Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a Mediterranean Bay dominated by seagrass beds (Palma Bay, NW Mediterranean). Biogeosciences 2:43-60

Racca, JMJ, I Gregory-Eaves, R Pienitz and YT Prairie. 2004.Tailoring paleolimnological diatom-based transfer functions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2440-2454.

Molot LA, W Keller, PR Leavitt, RD Robarts, MJ Waiser, MT Arts, TA Clair, R Pienitz, ND Yan, DK McNicol, YT Prairie, PJ Dillon, M Macrae, R Bello and RN Nordin, 2004. Risk Analysis of UVB Exposure to Canadian Inland Waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2511-2521.

Cammack, WKL, J Kalff, YT Prairie, and EM Smith. 2004. Dissolved organic matter fluorescence: Relationships with heterotrophic bacterial metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 2034–2045.

Smith, EM and YT Prairie. 2004. Bacterial metabolism and growth efficiency in lakes: The importance of phosphorus availability Limnology and Oceanography 49: 137-147.

Racca, JMM and YT Prairie. 2004. Apparent and real bias in numerical transfer functions in palaeolimnology. Journal of Paleolimnology 31: 117-124.

Philibert, A, YT Prairie, and I Campbell. 2004. Effects of late Holocene wildfires on diatom assemblages in Christina Lake, Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 2405-2415.

Philibert, A, YT Prairie, and C Carcaillet. 2003. 1200 years of fire impact on biogeochemistry as inferred from high resolution diatom analysis in a kettle lake from the Picea marina-moss domain (Quebec, Canada). Journal of Paleolimnology 30: 167-181.

Calbet, A and YT Prairie. 2003. Mesozooplankton grazing and primary production: Reply to the comment by Laws. Limnology and Oceanography 48: 1359-1362.

Racca, JMJ, MD Wild, HJB Birks and YT Prairie. 2003. Separating wheat from chaff: Diatom taxon selection using  an artificial neural network pruning algorithm. Journal of Paleolimnology 29: 123-133.

Philibert, A, and YT Prairie. 2002. Diatom-based transfer functions in western Quebec lakes (Abitibi and Haute Mauricie): the possible role of epilimnetic CO2 concentration in influencing diatom assemblages. Journal of Paleolimnology 27: 465-480.

Philibert, A and YT Prairie. 2002 Is the introduction of benthic species necessary for open-water chemical reconstruction in diatom transfer functions? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59: 938–951

Prairie, YT., D.F. Bird and J.J. Cole. 2002. The summer metabolic balance in the epilimnion of southeastern Quebec lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 316-321.

Enache, M and YT Prairie. 2002. WA-PLS diatom-based pH,TP and DOC inference models from 42 lakes in the Abitibi clay belt area (Quebec,Canada). Journal of Paleolimnology 27: 151-171.

Carcaillet C, Y Bergeron, PJH Richard, B Fréchette, S Gauthier and YT Prairie. 2001. Change of fire frequency in the eastern Canadian boreal forests during the Holocene: does vegetation composition or climate trigger the fire regime? Journal of Ecology 89: 930–946.

Racca, JMJ, A Philibert, R Racca and YT Prairie. 2001. A comparison between diatom-based pH inference models using Artificial Neural Networks, WA and WA-PLS. Journal of Paleolimnology 26: 411-422.

Enache, M and YT Prairie. 2000. Paleolimnological reconstruction of fire-induced changes in lake biogeochemistry (L. Francis, Qc).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 146-154

Ricciardi-Rigault, M, DF Bird and YT Prairie. 2000. Changes in sediment viral and bacterial abundances in relation to hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in a shallow eutrophic lake, L. Brome (QC, Canada). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:1284-1290.

Bird, DF, SK Juniper, M Ricciardi-Rigault, P Martineu, YT Prairie and SE Calvert. 2000 Subsurface viruses and bacteria in Holocene/Late Pleistocene sediments of Saanich Inlet, B.C.: ODP Holes 1033B and 1034B, Leg 169S. Marine Geology 174: 227-239.

Xenopoulos, MA, YT Prairie, and DF Bird. 2000. UVB, Ozone Variability, Thermal Stratification and Phytoplankton Dynamics in a Humic Lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 600-609.

Lamontagne, S, R Carignan, P D’Arcy, YT Prairie, and D Paré. 2000. Element export in runoff from eastern Canadian boreal shield drainage basins following Forest Harvesting and Wildfires. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:118-128.

Bergeron, Y, PJH Richard, C Carcaillet, S Gauthier, M Flannigan, and YT Prairie.  1998. Variability in fire frequency and forest composition in Canada’s southeastern boreal forest: A challenge for sustainable forest management. Conservation Ecology (online) 2:

Vidondo, B, YT Prairie, JM Blanco, and CM Duarte. 1997. Some aspects of the analysis of biomass size-spectra in aquatic ecology. Limnology and Oceanography 42:184-192.

del Giorgio, PA, YT Prairie, and DF Bird. 1997. Coupling between rates of bacterial production and the abundance of metabolically active bacteria in lakes, enumerated using CTC reduction and flow cytometry. Microbial Ecology 34:144-154.

Prairie, YT and CM Duarte. 1996 Weak density-dependence and short-term perturbations as determinants of phytoplankton temporal dynamics. Ecoscience 3:451-460.

del Giorgio, PA, DF Bird, YT Prairie and D Planas. 1996. The flow cytometric determination of bacterial abundance in natural lake plankton using the nucleic acid stain SYTO 13. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 783-789.

Prairie, YT, RH Peters, and DF Bird. 1995. Natural variability and the estimation of empirical relationships: a re-assessment of regression methods. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:788-798.

Prairie, YT and CT Marshall. 1995. On the use of structured time-series to detect and test hypotheses about within lakes relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:799-803.

Prairie, YT. 1995. Evaluating the predictive power of regression models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:490-492.

Deslandes, J-C, S Guenette, YT Prairie, D. Roy, R. Verdon, and R. Fortin. 1995. Changes in fish populations affected by the construction of the La Grande complex (Phase I), James Bay region, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 1860-1877.

Cattaneo, A. and YT Prairie. 1995. Temporal variability in the chemical characteristics along the Rivière de l’Achigan: how many samples are necessary to describe stream chemistry. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 828-835.

Leduc, A., YT Prairie and Y Bergeron. 1994. Fractal dimension estimates of a forested landscape: sources of variability. Landscape Ecology 9: 279-286.

France R., RH Peters, and YT Prairie. 1994. Adjusting chlorophyll-a estimates through temporal weighting based on the seasonal development of phytobiomass. Aquatic Sciences 56: 106-114.

de Montigny, C and YT Prairie. 1993. The relative importance of biological and chemical processes in the release of phosphorus from a highly organic sediment. Hydrobiologia 253: 141-150.

Prairie, YT. and R Langevin. 1990. Sulfate and nitrate retention in lakes. Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 24:152-154.

Prairie, YT. 1990. A comment on  « Nutrient status and nutrient competition of phytoplankton in a shallow, hypertrophic lake (Sommer) ». Limnology and Oceanography 35:778-779.

Prairie, YT. 1989. Stastitical models for the estimation of net phosphorus sedimentation in lakes.  Aquatic Sciences 51: 192-210.

Prairie, YT., CM Duarte and J  Kalff. 1989. Unifying nutrient-chlorophyll relationships in lakes.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46: 1176-1182.

Prairie, YT. and DF Bird. 1989. Some misconceptions about the spurious correlation problem in the ecological literature.  Oecologia. 81: 285-288.

Prairie, YT. 1988. A test of the sedimentation assumptions of phosphorus input-output models in lakes.  Archiv fur Hydrobiologia 11: 321-327.

Prairie, YT and J Kalff. 1988. Particulate phosphorus dynamics in headwater streams.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 210-215.

Prairie, YT and J  Kalff. 1988. Dissolved phosphorus dynamics in headwater streams.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 200-209.

Prairie, YT. and J  Kalff, J. 1986. Effect of catchment size on phosphorus export.  Water Resources Bulletin 22: 465-470.

Bird, DF and YT Prairie. 1985.  Practical guidelines for the use of zoo-plankton regression equations. Journal of Plankton Research 7: 955-960.

Chapitres de livre

Prairie YT and JJ Cole. 2009. Carbon : Unifying currency. Dans The Encyclopedia of inland waters, G.E. Likens, editor, Elsevier.

Cole, JJ and YT Prairie. 2009. Carbon dioxide. Dans The Encyclopedia of inland waters, G.E. Likens, editor, Elsevier.

Pace, ML and YT Prairie. 2005. Respiration in lakes. In: Respiration in Aquatic Systems. P.A. del Giorgio and P.LeB. Williams (eds.). Oxford University Press.